Preparation and Tactful Questions in Interviews 

Whenever I go for interviews, I always look forward to an opportunity to ask the interviewer one or two quick but vital questions regarding the job I am applying for that were not covered  by my pre-interview research.

I have always been asking questions all my life and career so I am more comfortable if the interviewer asks intelligent questions rather than basic ones that show he/she does not have enough preparation for the very job he/she does.  If the interviewee prepares, I expect the interviewer does the same.  That is a red flag if the recruiter/interviewer shows overconfidence or arrogance in spite of lack of preparation and ignorance at the same time of human character, background, culture or current events.  For example, if the recruiter/interviewer asks "What makes your day?"  I will not leave the room without asking him/her the same question.  Whether it is Barack Obama or David Cameron, I will still do the same....Preparation and tactful questions based on the interviewer's questions.  So BEWARE of your questions, recruiters.