Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Philippines and the Filipinos

The Philippines is a country very rich in natural and human resources....only the natural and human calamities like earthquakes, typhoons, dry spells,  graft and corruption, internal and external threats, poverty and its consequences... take their toll on the Filipinos' lives.....

The natural calamities are devastating enough to make the people aspire to get out of the big hole....migrate to greener and safer help those left behind....and hoping they, too, could get out of it in the future.

This is also a country of one of the most family -oriented people who love music, food, gardening and/or farming, fishing, education, advancements in all fields, smooth interpersonal relationships (SIR), extended family domicile, and venturing into all kinds of businesses.

Hence, the country has a lot of potentials......a lot of possible directions in terms of socio-economic impact in the world.... the reason

 (1) why America used it as a military and naval strategic base location during WWII,

(2) why the Spaniards layed eyes on its rich spices and beautiful women  and stayed there as conquerors in 1571 to 1896,

(3) why Thai Agriculture students come to the Philippine International Rice Research Institute and produce the famous Thai rice sold in all parts of the world, 

(4)  why China and other countries try to bully it to give up some of its oil-rich islands, 

(5)  why Japan built an enormous fish port in its Visayan island of Iloilo where they hire Filipinos in the supply, cleaning, packaging, canning, preserving, and exporting fish, shrimps, lobsters, crabs, mussels and other seafoods like seaweeds, sharks fin noodles, kapiz shell decors, etc.,

(6)  why so many Filipinos can be found in almost all parts of the globe, working in almost all kinds of jobs to be able to send money and balikbayan or shipments of goods to those back there in the country still,

(7)  why the Filipinos thrive in all kinds of weather, culture, language, time zone, culinary, musical, business, educational, religious, moral, ethical, political, peace and order, social and financial situations....

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