Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Louise's Avocado Tree

When the wind blows,
Avocados are falling.
As the tree grows,
More fruits are coming.

Oh, we have fun
Watching them fall
One by one....
We see them fall.

Without any effort,
We get the fruits down
As the wind worked
To the grassy ground.

We just pick them up
One by one....
Line them up
In a basket or a bag.

The friends and neighbors,
With wide smiles and sheer joy,
Extend their hands, of course,
As Louise let them enjoy
The good-looking avocados
So big, creamy, and boy,
Muchos deliciosos
Para comer hoy.

1 comment:

  1. Louise enjoys mashed avocado with salt and pepper on crackers topped with strawberry jam. It goes with her afternoon coffee.
